Today when Nathan and I were at Wal-mart we saw a monster! It wasn't a big furry monster with sharp teeth, it was a girl about sixteen years old. We were in one of the aisles and there was a woman in a motorized wheelchair, and the "monster" pushing a cart behind her. The woman in a joking manner said, "hey, you're lagging behind". The girl shouted back, "I'm checking things off the list, you can wait or I'll throw your list away". The woman just looked really dejected and said, "Ok". Nathan and I gave each other one of those looks saying, "WOW". I kind of put it out of my mind as we went on shopping, but of course we ran into them again. This time we were in a very busy aisle and we were trying to squeeze past them. The woman said, "excuse us", and began to back up her wheelchair so we could get by. Then the girl yelled, "My feet, move it"!!!! (her feet weren't even close to being run over by the way). The woman gave us an apologetic look and took off. The girl was literally yelling at her Mom and talking to her in such a disrespectful way that I couldn't believe it was happening, let alone in public. We've been home for about an hour and I still can't stop thinking about it. I don't know what I would have said, but I honestly wish I could have said something to that girl. I suppose that is her parents job...they raised a monster and now it has turned on them. Yay for trips to Wal-mart, they remind me why I still believe in spanking.
Wow! That is pathetic. I completely agree, that girl should have been spanked more as a child.