Monday, August 16, 2010

A Brother Weekend

My two oldest brothers came up this weekend to visit Nathan and I before we all start school.  They are both headed to BYU-I so we won't get to see them very often.  It was a lot of fun having them here! We went to Cheyenne and saw Toy Story 3, so we didn't do anything really exciting but I really enjoyed just having them around and talking to them.  They also taught a primary class for me since one of the teachers was gone on Sunday, thanks guys! I miss them a lot and I wish we could live closer together.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goodbye Summer

School starts one week from tomorrow... I'm not too excited about it but I guess some good things come with it.  We get football games, a more regular schedule... yeah that is about it.  I am going to miss summer but I think I got a lot out of summer this year.  Nathan and I both only worked part time so we got to spend a lot of time together for our first summer as a married couple.  We went to Waterworld at least once, went to a family reunion, we will get to see both of our brothers come home off missions, and a lot of other things.  Altogether not a bad summer!  One thing I'm dreading more than anything about the coming semester is the cold weather, school wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't combined with the frozen wasteland that is Laramie nine months out of the year.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I came home from work and this is the first thing I saw when I walked in the door.  I have such a wonderful husband!!!