Monday, January 17, 2011

Back in the Day

Me and my dad... best buds

I LOVE old family pictures.  I was scanning them onto the computer the other day and I wanted to put my favorites on my blog.  I had such a fun childhood and I think it is awesome that I have brothers and parents that are my best friends.  We all have such fun memories and amazing experiences together.

My friend and I played "barber shop" right before my Aunt's Wedding... I guess my mom did her best to fix it, needless to say it didn't work too well.  

The faces in this one are priceless

Me and my brother...good little mommies

Pretty white trash looking... but still cute

Me and my dad.

Bathing in the sink...who hasn't done this at some point or another?

Me and my big brother

Great poses


Dance party

Awesome slippers Mom

Cute little family... great 80's hair Mom

Me and Mom

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall so far

It has been awhile since I've posted so here is pretty much a summary of the major things I've done the last couple months:

  • School
    • Going well, very busy, so far keeping all A's... hope it lasts
  • Work
    • Got all new clients, had to start working mornings as well as nights, was VERY stressful and unenjoyable
    • October 8th I stopped working... I feel much happier now
  • Nathan's birthday
    • It was a lot of fun.  My dad and brother Nathan came down to celebrate with us.  We went to PF Changs in Loveland, CO to eat and just relaxed.  Nathan got some pens and new socks from me and tickets for us to see a Denver Broncos game from my parents!  I know pens and socks seems like a really lame gift, but when you share a bank account with someone expensive gifts just don't seem as special. Also, that was all he really asked for so it worked out.  
  • Family
    • My family has been really great about visiting us over the last couple months.  My mom, grandma, and little sister were just here last weekend to watch Nathan sing in From Cummorah's Hill.  Nathan sounded amazing, as usual (watching Nathan sing is one of my favorite things, I'm always so proud!)
That is pretty much it, not too exciting.  We do have a couple fun things coming up.  Next weekend Nathan and I are going to Provo to watch UW play BYU in football.  It will be fun because we will get to see my family, but also because Kevin Shumway might be coming to the game with Mary.  It will be fun if they can make it, we are excited to meet her and see him again.  Another fun thing coming up is Halloween.  I LOVE Halloween.  There is really no need for me to dress up, but I think it is really fun anyway.  Life is good!

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Brother Weekend

My two oldest brothers came up this weekend to visit Nathan and I before we all start school.  They are both headed to BYU-I so we won't get to see them very often.  It was a lot of fun having them here! We went to Cheyenne and saw Toy Story 3, so we didn't do anything really exciting but I really enjoyed just having them around and talking to them.  They also taught a primary class for me since one of the teachers was gone on Sunday, thanks guys! I miss them a lot and I wish we could live closer together.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goodbye Summer

School starts one week from tomorrow... I'm not too excited about it but I guess some good things come with it.  We get football games, a more regular schedule... yeah that is about it.  I am going to miss summer but I think I got a lot out of summer this year.  Nathan and I both only worked part time so we got to spend a lot of time together for our first summer as a married couple.  We went to Waterworld at least once, went to a family reunion, we will get to see both of our brothers come home off missions, and a lot of other things.  Altogether not a bad summer!  One thing I'm dreading more than anything about the coming semester is the cold weather, school wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't combined with the frozen wasteland that is Laramie nine months out of the year.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I came home from work and this is the first thing I saw when I walked in the door.  I have such a wonderful husband!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Scare at the Pool

Today I went to the rec center to do some lap swimming.  The pool was almost completely full when I got there.  About half way through my swim I realized that I was the only one left swimming.  At first I thought it was great; nice and quiet, nobody to see me so I didn't have to feel self-conscious about my terrible swimming.  However; on one of my laps, about half way across the pool, I thought I felt a wave push me a little bit to the side.  I figured there must be someone swimming in the lane next to me so I sort of looked around...still nobody but me.  My first thought was...."what if it was a shark?"  I immediately started frantically making my way to the side of the pool, all swimming technique forgotten.  It was a spluttering, dog paddling, clawing mess all the way to the wall.  When I got to the side I seriously considered getting out of the pool because I was so afraid.  The only reason I was able to finish my laps was because I thought church songs in my head the rest of the time.

Yes, I am an idiot.  But there are two pretty good explanations for my irrational fear:

  1. I have regularly been watching episodes from Shark Week on the Discovery Channel
  2. When I was little I watched a James Bond movie where the bad guy had a secret chamber in his pool that, if opened, released a man eating shark. I have had a hard time being alone in a pool ever since. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Primary Fun

I taught sharing time in primary a couple weeks ago and asked the question: "What kinds of things do we do that might make it hard for us to hear the Holy Ghost?"

Senior Primary: "be mean to our families, not read our scriptures, fight with our friends...."

Junior Primary: "do drugs, drink alcohol, steal cars, hit animals...murder people". 

Yep, that oughta do it junior primary.